Posts by JessicaUruakpa

Father’s Day – Because Dads Need Love Too!

Did you know that one of the most common first-word babies utter is dada or some variations of the[…]

12 Things You Should Do Every Day To Live Fearlessly

Oh, the beauty of a life lived beyond the shores of fear. I know you’ve thought about it many[…]

Taking action vs thinking-How to take actions consistently

If I was to ask you why haven’t you achieved all your dreams yet, what would you respond? Would[…]

How To Use Journaling As A Tool For Emotional Management

The subject of emotions and mood swings is one that many women have to battle with all their lives.[…]

10 Ways To Master Essential Communication Skills

Hey there, amazing women in your 20s and 30s! Are you ready to level up your communication skills and[…]

How To Turn Your Purpose Into Reality In 2025

So you did it, you figured out your purpose; you know exactly what you were called to do but perhaps[…]

Tips To Overcome Perfectionism

This one is tough, I still have days when I struggle with it and that’s overcoming my need for perfection. For[…]

Common Habits of Successful Women

It is a widely agreed-upon fact that actions speak louder than words. Sure, talking about a certain topic may[…]

How to feel worthy of love

It’s ironic how the one thing we all want most is the one thing that sometimes seems so hard[…]

Why It’s Important to Be Defined By Your Personal Values and Not External Factors

What are your values in this life? Or better yet—how do you define your values? If there’s one thing[…]

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