7 Life Challenges You Must Overcome to Become a Better Version of Yourself

Self Improvement

Success is a universal goal amongst people. It is a subjective topic and everyone has their perception of success but we can all agree that we all want to succeed. However, success is a complex goal, and reaching it can be difficult. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to achieve some of the goals you have set for yourself. There are certain challenges in life we can’t seem to overcome. When you reach that point of a plateau in your life, everything feels hopeless. You feel like you will never be able to achieve the things you want to and in these situations most people get discouraged. And while sometimes it is inevitable to struggle, you can always come back on top. It might be difficult and it can take time but Rome wasn’t built in a day after all. All you need is hope, persistence, and a little bit of help. 

If you look around, nobody has become successful by having it easy. Every successful person you see on TV and social media has had some type of personal setback that they had to overcome to accomplish their goals. Walt Disney for example had struggled with failure – he was fired and was told he “lacked imagination”. Oprah Winfrey dealt with poverty and was frequently told she’s “unfit for television”. The thing Walt Disney and Oprah have in common is that they didn’t give up. They overcame their challenges and in the end got rewarded for it. And if they can do it, you can do it too.

That is why in this article we will go over 7 life challenges you must overcome to become a better version of yourself and some tips on how to overcome them. Of course, every person has their approach to problem-solving but we offer guidance and help on your growth journey. So what are you waiting for? Here is our list of 7 life challenges you must overcome to become a better version of yourself. 

Dealing With Loss

Losing is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a job, an opportunity, or a relationship we can’t escape it. You are bound to lose at least once in your life and that’s okay as long as you know how to recover from it. And no matter how it happens, the loss is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges in life. It is a sudden change, an upheaval, that shakes you up and makes you rethink your attitude and reflect on what’s important moving forward. 
Losing something or someone you wanted can be a huge wake-up call. Losses force you to ask yourself if you needed the thing you last and what you’re willing to do in the future to get what you want. “Did I ever really need this?” is an essential question to ask when recovering from a loss. 

Losses happen to everyone but what’s important is what we take out of it. It’s really important to be able to assess the situation properly. A self-reflection period might be needed when you go back and think about the value of the thing you lost. How valuable was it to you? Why did you put value in it in the first place? Did you need it and are you willing to work for it again? 
Only through having a clear understanding of your loss, you will be able to work through it and potentially change your behavior for the better. Finding out what caused the problem is the key to solving it. 

Having a negative mindset

Let’s be real for a moment – maintaining a positive mindset is difficult in today’s world. We are constantly exposed to negativity from other people and we’re always so connected to others that it’s hard to avoid it. However, we must note that negativity is an enemy of success and a major setback when trying to reach a certain goal. 

You don’t believe us? Try scrolling down your social media feed. While there is a lot of positive content out there, there is also an overwhelming amount of negativity that can get your mood to nosedive into a hole of negative thoughts, doubts, and regrets. According to research, this bad energy not only takes a toll on your mood but also on your health. Many scientists say that a negative mindset can worsen cardiovascular diseases and dementia as it causes significant stress. 

So how do we fix our negative mindset?

Frankly, there’s no quick fix. It’s a long journey that includes some analysis of your current mindset. Look deeply within yourself and examine the negativity in your life. Where does it come from – is it there because someone is your life or are you just producing it yourself. Once you figure out the origin, just cut it off. Stop talking to that negative person, have a social media detox from time to time, and don’t be so hard on yourself. You can do this!

Losing Focus

Most people have many goals. You may want to learn French, pay off your debt and grow in your career path. Your goals might be both big and small, long or short-term projects but they are all neatly arranged in your list of things you want to do. Everyone approaches goals differently but in most cases when you want to achieve something you create a plan. For example, if you want to learn French, you start taking lessons. At first, you start taking lessons 4 times a week and your motivation is through the roof. However, at some point, you get busier at work or there is a sudden lifestyle change that requires a significant amount of your energy. So you start skipping French lessons until you stop them completely. This issue is created by a lack of focus and discipline and is also the most common reason people don’t succeed. You can’t achieve anything if you quit every time you get busy. Staying on track is crucial to your success. That’s why the next time you start some new projects, no matter if it’s learning a new language or creating a business, make it a priority to keep focus. Consciously tell yourself to keep pushing so you don’t stray from the main path. With a little determination and a lot of patience, you can do whatever you put in front of yourself. 

Being Ruled By Fear

 Every single person in the world has felt fear. We are afraid of the dark, we are afraid of failure, we are afraid of everything harmful or unknown. It is completely normal to feel fear in certain situations, it’s just an instinct. However, fear is a potent feeling and can be either your biggest motivation or your worst enemy. To illustrate it better, we can take public speaking. Many people are terrified of going in front of people and talking about what’s on their minds. As a result, many people don’t get into public speaking – because of fear. 

So how do you get over your fears?

Psychologists say that the best way to get over a fear is to face it. Go and make a speech in front of people. While you’re doing it, you’re going to feel like throwing up but once you finish you’ll realize it wasn’t that bad at all. You might even find it intriguing and keep doing it. You can’t know until you’ve tried it. Don’t let fear stop you from reaching your success. 

Stop Caring About What Other People Think

 As a modern person, you constantly find people dying to share their opinions with you. Whether it’s a political stance or a personal opinion about something, you can always find someone criticizing something. While it is completely fine to express your opinion, it is important to know that other people’s thoughts don’t influence your life. Read that again. Other people’s thoughts are their own and you have no control over them. If they don’t like you or they don’t believe in you, this doesn’t have to affect you. It can only bother you if you let it. So next time you hear something negative about yourself, take it with a grain of salt. You are your person, with your own life and experiences. Other people aren’t in your position, so their opinion doesn’t hold value for you. Don’t let somebody’s negative thoughts affect you.  

Distancing Yourself From People Who Drain You

 The negativity of any kind is bad when it’s in your life. It drains you and leaves you exhausted, unable to fully enjoy life. In many cases negativity is brought into life by people which makes it even more difficult to get rid of. Especially if those people are close ones and family members. After all, you can’t just cut off a family member. However, being exposed to so much bad energy is bad for you. That’s why your best bet is to seek balance. If you can’t cut off someone completely, make an effort to distance yourself from that person. Take care of yourself first. 

Impostor Syndrome

 Have you ever felt like a fraud? Have you ever felt like you don’t deserve the things you have or like you aren’t good enough to do what you do? This phenomenon is quite common and is called impostor syndrome. Many professionals have experienced it and it can be quite a setback when you’re trying to build something for yourself. All that doubt and self-consciousness aren’t good for anyone. 

So what do you do?

The solution to this one isn’t easy and many people struggle with it their whole lives but the only way to overcome the impostor syndrome is to realize your self-worth. You need to be so self-assured that you don’t ever doubt your skills and worth. Everyone has their self-appreciation journey. Some people like to build confidence through positive affirmations, others just make it a priority to acknowledge all of their positive qualities. Whatever you do, you have to remember that you are worthy and you deserve every good thing that has happened to you. Don’t let other people and external factors tell you otherwise.

The bottom line is that people are constantly growing, evolving, and learning. On our life journeys, we go through lots of highs and lows on the path to success. However, there are certain challenges we all have to overcome to become better versions of ourselves. Some of the greatest people in the world have had to deal with struggles not too different from your own and if they can do it, you can do it too. 


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